As a Vietnam-era veteran among the first U.S. Army women required by law to qualify with a semi-automatic rifle (and who qualified as an "expert"), I can see absolutely no reason for civilians to have these weapons in their homes. Even while on active duty (and later with the AZ guard), these firearms had to be checked out of the armory for a specific purpose and length of time. It's one thing to have a handgun. Nobody needs a semi-automatic at home unless planning a massacre or defending a drug operation.

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Vote her out. If she has the nerve to vote. Ruben Gallego is a principled, caring, responsive, and intelligent legislator who will CARE about people and not only lobbyists with big donations. This makes me want to fight.

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Agreed! If only Senator Saucy Wench and her willfully ignorant colleagues could find the time to read THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF GUNS AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT by Thom Hartmann, then perhaps they might become enlightened enough to pass some meaningful gun control legislation. (A boy can dream can’t he?)

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I called Sinema's office which of course is not answered by humans and left a message. I was proud of myself for not using expletives other than "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Please inundate her voice mail with comments on her absurdity:

Sinema: (202) 224-4521

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When is the Supreme Court going to uphold, in full, the 2nd Amendment?

Gun advocates always ignore the “well-regulated militia” part.

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Moreover, the 2nd Amendment was penned in 1791. The first machine gun wasn't invented until 1884, with semi-automatics going "live" in 1885. I doubt the Second Amendment's framers had any idea about the grotesque lengths to which their "well regulated militia" language would be stretched and the massacres that would ensue as a result.

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I am a U.S. Army vet. Am not interested in Sinema debate. But we MUST stop this madness of people having these combat weapons. It is insane. I grew up when NRA was only about HUNTING rifles. Watching what has happened is so very saddening, tragic. I would love to discuss the "2nd Amendment." It is imperative that we STOP this insanity that is going on. Lee Proper, Prescott.

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Sinema just voted for the deaths by gunshot of all of her constituents in order to reward her favorite corporate donors. Ciscomani voted for an insurrectionist to be leader of the “people’s” house. Sinema tricked us into voting for her. Ciscomani got elected by pretending he has a brain. Why can’t we do better than that? I blame the ineffective AZ Democratic Party and their ridiculous “coordinated campaign.”

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There is absolutely no reason for any citizen to own or have these weapons that were designed for war. While I personally do not have or own any guns, I understand that some people use rifles for hunting purposes. However, everyone who has any kind of firearm should be required to go through strict a background check; register the weapon and be required to attend minimum of 20 hours of gun safety use and storage training.

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There is no reason for these automatic weapons to be available. I hope Rueben Gallego can make a difference.

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We can agree that civilian ownership of an AR-15 should not be allowed,

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Senator Sinema is no longer a Democrat. She bailed on the party about a year and a half ago and is an Independent officially. She does often caucus with the Democrat senators, but not always. Most Democrats here in Arizona DO NOT regret her decision to “ jump ship.” She also gets a lot of contributions from Big Pharma.

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Sinema is a worthless C*** who will hopefully not run again. She is a flakey poorly dressed gasbag.

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How I wish this weren't all true, but every word is. To my ever-lasting shame I voted for Kyrsten Sinema. But only once.

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That’s Exactly Right!

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Such a contrast between what these senators said on the floor and what the bill actually allows.

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I heard a rumor (not really) that the redumblicans, rather than dealing with gun control, have determined that the problem is the mentally incompetent.

They propose legislation to euthanize all deemed mentally ill

I made this up. Hope that it doesn’t give our politicians of both parties ideas.

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That would wipe out a significant portion of both their base and the "leadership". Cults are not historically havens for well-balanced minds.

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