I'd go one step further and say that Christians who DON'T stand up to this perversity of the message are complicit it allowing it to proceed. Even churches "avoiding the politics" are filled with pews of people that quietly and passively support this distorted version of Christianity.

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so sick of bible banging a$$wipes and their attempt to legislate their BS and shove it down our throats. BLECH! Freaking american taliban is what they are.

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Well said, Fitz!!!!

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Whatever happened to 'separation of church and state'? If religious organizations want to preach politics, they should be taxed at the same rate as the rest of us.

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AMEN!!! Hallelujah!!!

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The reference to the Sermon on the Mount is always the best retort to "Christians". Like you, Fitz, I have not been religious for a very long time. Compelled by my Mom when I was young, I received Lutheran instruction/indoctrination and upon "confirmation" received a bible. I still have it as a reference tool. While there is some pretty weird stuff in there, the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5,6 &7) is perfection in its illustration of the breathtaking and comprehensive hypocrisy of the most vocal and strident "Christian" Republicans. If Republicans had not abandoned a "platform" for their conventions, other than "whatever HE (Trump) says", an anti-Sermon on the Mount platform would catch just about everything that today's Republican Party and Republican people hate most. Note: Democracy (Greece?), vaccines, Mexicans and gun control had not yet been invented.

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Amen, brother. For a national perspective, check out Americans United for Separation of Church and State. https://www.au.org/#

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Self-described "Chosen One" of the Evangelicals:

John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

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Your quote from Ps. 4:2 if most appropriate, Yes, I wish those GOP legislators would try to stay on course and do something about our uneven taxes.

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I have found that the longer you listen to one of these Christian Nationalists explain how the bible backs up their "Truths" the more difficult it is for them to even make Sense.

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Karl Marx famously called religion "the opium of the people" which would make "Christian" Nationalism the fentanyl of the American people.

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Amen, Brother! It’s more than ironic that Rep. Stahl Hamilton was facing expulsion for hiding a book that these Republican demagogues have obviously never cracked open! It’s exactly these bible-thumping blow-hards who are turning people away from Christianity in droves. Jesus warned us to look out for the false prophets. If only we’d pay attention...

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Arizona republicans: living proof that religion ruins everything!

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