Now I'm not a religious man but thank God, and Darwin, Arizona's Republican hypocrites failed to expel Arizona state Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, a Tucson Democrat and a Presbyterian minister, over her silly Bible prank.
The holier-than-thou histrionics spewing out of Arizona's Republican lawmakers shook the Heavens. How amusing it was to hear Arizona's Right-wing phony Pharisees go positively snake-handling tambourine-slapping apocalyptic over nothing.
How unamusing it was to be reminded our state is home to the nation’s most toxic, terrifying, grasping, Gospel-milking gasbags to rise up out of the primeval muck since Elmer Gantry pitched his first tent.
How long will we, The People, put up with these tiresome, treasonous, crime boss-coddling anti-democratic dimwits?
“How long will you people turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?”
-Psalm 4:2
Is anyone else as exhausted as I am by Arizona's rapture-bound MAGA-boneheads?
Was anyone surprised these book banning, trans-kid torturing, drag queen demonizing demi-Gods ruptured their holy spleens over “Biblegate” while real issues were dodged, ducked or dismissed the entire session?
Are you as weary as I am of these maladjusted moneygrubbers desecrating the People’s Temple of Democracy?
Are you done with these “Servants of the Lord” who serve only to torment the marginalized, destroy democracy and dismantle public education, brick by brick?
The cruel laws these alleged “Christians” passed that were thankfully vetoed by our good Governor Hobbs this session present a clear and damning body of evidence they've never ever opened the Good Book they love to hold up and wave about.
“We’re going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don’t have to be politically correct. Two Corinthians, 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame … is that the one you like?”
-Donald Trump
The Sermon on the Mount is as foreign to our Republican lawmakers as compassion, common sense and the Constitution of the United States of America. Christ’s admonitions to welcome the stranger, heal the sick and clothe the naked are abominations to the posse of public serpents who just slithered out of our Statehouse after accomplishing not one damned thing for The People of this God-forsaken state. These reptiles are incapable of reducing the suffering of the marginalized because they are nothing more than cracker barrel peddlers of empty piety.
The self aggrandizing sermonizing suspender snapping snakes who wear their religion on their tweed sleeves do not serve not you, The People, but only mammon. The out-of-state billionaire backers of our bilious bozos want only one thing from their craven servants: to save them from rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, their fair share.
I am not a religious man, but nothing disgusts me more than Arizona’s prevaricating racist anti-Semitic politicians who distort the teachings of Christ. Well, maybe one thing disgusts me more: the despicable “Pastors for Trump” who stain their pulpits by puking a grossly distorted vision of the Nazarene’s teachings onto their sheep, every Sunday morning, week after week.
Doesn’t the IRS have a policy about preaching political campaign activity within a House of Worship?
Verily I sayeth unto you, my brothers and sisters, every vile moral dwarf who called for Stahl Hamilton's expulsion uses their Bible for one purpose, as a thick seat cushion or a nifty step stool anytime these foul heretics need the illusion of stature.
And nothing else.
May Providence protect and guide our fine legislator, Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton as she continues to serve the Common Good and The People of our state. Can I get an Amen?
Self-described "Chosen One" of the Evangelicals:
John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
The reference to the Sermon on the Mount is always the best retort to "Christians". Like you, Fitz, I have not been religious for a very long time. Compelled by my Mom when I was young, I received Lutheran instruction/indoctrination and upon "confirmation" received a bible. I still have it as a reference tool. While there is some pretty weird stuff in there, the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5,6 &7) is perfection in its illustration of the breathtaking and comprehensive hypocrisy of the most vocal and strident "Christian" Republicans. If Republicans had not abandoned a "platform" for their conventions, other than "whatever HE (Trump) says", an anti-Sermon on the Mount platform would catch just about everything that today's Republican Party and Republican people hate most. Note: Democracy (Greece?), vaccines, Mexicans and gun control had not yet been invented.