I simply cannot come to grips with the fact that our mighty nation has been taken captive by idiots and shysters. How did that happen? Why are there so many enemies of our democracy cropping up from within? What happened to the rule of law? What happened to sanity?

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In other words, a perfect fit for his political party.

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You’re too easy on them Fitz 😜

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The first part was sadly true. The second, with the list of possible Speakers... sadly realistic.

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We are doomed, and our democracy is in deep trouble. Republicans are not leaving the Republican Party, the Republican Party has already left Republicans. We certainly don't need a Trump marionette enabler to be Speaker of the House... We need to cut the strings of ALL current GOP members & politicians, and especially those cowardly corrupt Trumpettes!

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Boebert's free hand ..... LMAO!

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Given the current crop of candidates from the MAGAGOP I would like to add: Joseph McCarthy, Roy Kohn, Barry Goldwater, George W Bush, Ronald Reagan, Father Coughlin, William Jennings Bryan, and of course Justice Clarence Thomas. Unapologetically all males, mostly dead, none currently in Congress, and with one exception all deeply MAGA-like. If you want to integrate the list, add Anita Bryant, Tammi Faye Baker, and Phyllis Schafly.

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We need to reMake America Great Again. I thought we were on track in the 1960’s, but somehow the train went off the rails when Newt came to town. Can we go back,please, and correct course?

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You’re right on and it’s a pathetically sad and disturbing state of affairs with those RePUKElicans🤬

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It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous and tragic.

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I forgot all about Michelle Bachman

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And the Republican Congress stood in unison and shouted loudly, "GIVE US BARABBAS", he's a dumb sob but he's slightly better than the 'Beelzebub' you gave us in 2016".

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I laughed until the harsh reality made me cry. SAD!

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Having Jim Jordan as Speaker would be a disaster!!!

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I usually get a smile or chuckle from you - but today it was a laugh out loud!

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The GOP is taking us along a long walk on a short pier. Not that they have ever not been the party of corporate greed.

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