So sick. So true. Unreal. Never ever thought I would see this country in such a mess. More than anything, so very scary. At my age, I have seen the country move in wonderful directions. Civil rights, women’s rights, rights for the ones who are so hated. And it’s ALL changing. Not for the better. Just scanned Cal Thomas’ (puke) latest vile in the AZ Daily star grouching again about public schools indoctrinating children. NO! Religious schools indoctrinate. Public schools are trying their best to PREPARE students for the real world. Real world with all the things! Sigh. Thanks Fitz, happy 2024.

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All media needs to stop referring to the Republican party. That is gone. There are only the Democrats and the Magas. Any Independent who does note vote for Democrats has become Maga as well. Call them what they are.

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We are as perplexed as you are about these “Christians”. Anyone with 12 functioning brain cells can see that Christ’s teachings are diametrically opposed to the rankings of evangelicals and magas. It’s frustrating, mysterious and frightening to see how formerly reasonable people have been converted to lunatic status and won’t be swayed by facts or reason. We need to pressure the media to question the magas and expose the movement for what it is.

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Oh, but Trump IS a man of faith... He has faith that he can buy his way out of trouble, he has faith he can appoint judges who will look the other way, he has faith that there are idiots who will support him no matter what, and most dangerously, he has faith that he and he alone can destroy Democracy...

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I suppose this really is what a cult looks like - played out before our eyes on live TV.

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We should not assume that the starch shirt Chamber of Commerce members of the Republican Party are passe. The big business tycoons in Tucson, Arizona and our nation continue to be major funders of Republican candidates. What's changed is that the white evangelicals, the white nationalists/supremacists and neo-nazis have moved from the fringes of the Republican Party to it's center.

The big business community, Wall Street, Silicone Valley and hedgefund types who continue to fund the Republican Party need to be held accountable for allowing, whitewashing and turning a blind eye to the bigots and insurrectionists who now control the Republican Party.

Lastly, not all evangelicals think the same way. For example, attend a Black evangelical church and you will have a very different experience.

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Remember the WWJD (what would Jesus do) bracelets that were all the rage a couple of decades ago? Here’s an entrepreneurial idea: remake a batch of WWJS (who would Jesus shot) bracelets and you could be a millionaire!

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Grab some positivity, please! We need to recall the absolute wisdom of good guys like old-style comedian, Flip Wilson, who officiated at "The Church of What's Happenin' Now." Can I get an "Amen?"

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Lordy, I love me some Flip Wilson - but he'd be banned all across the nation now for being an evil drag queen as Geraldine. [Did he have great legs or what?)

We can't hide in the booth in the corner in the back in the dark about these KKKristians any more; they must be called out and the light blasted upon them so we can see them for what they really are - power-mad born again Nazis.

And remember, Hitler was a "christian" as well.

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"Hey, Jude!" --- Flip Wilson and all the rest of us lived "back then" in a time where "funny was still funny.," and was not further defined. I have never laughed so hard in my life ... both 'at' and 'with' that young man ... and I miss "Geraldine" like crazy! Now, it's the tribal "one-sidedness" of everything that's a real drag!

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Well played my friend...very well played.

Plus, if they want to, "stick your pious evangelizing puss into America’s secular public town square you and the religion you wear on your sleeve like a Taliban armband are fair game."

...plus, tax them!

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I love how on target your substack is!

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You are so spot on.

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I've searched and searched, but cannot seem to find that, "Grab 'em by the p***y!", was ever advocated by Jesus. How anyone can reconcile their professed faith with the putrid rantings of Jesu Cheeto defies reason. These hypocrites are anathema to anything and everything sacred.

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And this one is from 2016, and the accuracy of it has only been proven by the last eight years: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/9/30/1576113/-If-You-Tell-Me-You-Are-Supporting-Trump-I-Already-Know-Seven-Things-About-You

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Great stuff, David. All I can say is: "Amen!" But you're preaching to the choir. You need to go on Fox and Fiends or Steve Bananas' podcast and deliver your message directly to the ungoodly and ungodly. .......I know how likely it is that THEY would allow The TRUTH to be preached, but I can dream.

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So nice that you found a place where you can let go and write what you really think.

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