I hear you my friend. Thanks, keep up the good work. We all gotta do what we gotta do. If only the rest of the US was like Pima County.

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We can't lose...We won't lose...not with great champions of democracy like you and Barak and Michele and Jamie and Adam and a cast of thousands of inspired and inspiring surrogates--the best and the brightest of our deep bench of Democrats in Congress; celebrity luminaries like Beyonce and Taylor; the leaders of the future beyond Kamala and Tim who are emerging from GenZ --like the survivors of Parkland who are inspiring an army of first time voters. There is a saying in the State Department in times of deep peril..."Cometh the moment, cometh the man." Well, we need to thank our lucky stars or whatever gods there be that such a leader has appeared in the form of Kamala Harris. We and the world are just beginning to understand how superbly prepared she is to meet the moment. We will win.

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Mi Hermano, No need to apologize. We loved the positive energy at the rally on sunday and you should be proud to have organized all of these joyful events! Know that we've been with you, laughed with you, and cried with you for decades, and we're with you now. Take a deep breath. Now another... This dark chapter in America's biography has taken a lot out of all of us, but whatever happens, we will endure, and we'll do it together. As you're fond of saying, EVER ONWARD!

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Fitz, can you use the notion of “win, lose or draw” (your gun)?

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Go for it!!! An pray for the souls of the ensnared. Also be kind. think how painful it mist be to be so disfranchised that you think the Orange one is the Answer.

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No need to apologize. I'm sure what to write about will come to you when the time comes. As to winning North Carolina and Pennsylvania, think Florida too. Game over and times up for "I'm not a Nazi" if Florida and North Carolina sees the Light and votes for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

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Thank you for mirroring my thoughts on the orange bloviator. I am so frustrated that many of his supporters swollow his lies and don't bother to look beyond the surface. They don't believe that Project 2025 will be his "governing" platform if he reinfests the Oval Office. We have already voted - thank you, Oregon for our mail in ballots - so now we wait and hope and wave our signs.

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Tooner, you are awesome! I wish I could attend a sign wave event but I'm desperately trying to get multiple projects completed before I have my shoulder sewn back into the socket after I work the polls. I think I can speak for many of us who truly appreciate your wondrous efforts at spreading real patriotic joy around town.

That said, I actually passed by a Nazi as I was leaving Sprouts (Nazis shop at Sprouts?!?) the other morning; old white guy wearing a "Pure Bloodline" shirt and a MAGA asshat. I said very loudly as I passed him, "My parents fought dipshits like you in WWII. Nazis are LOSERS." I didn't turn back to see his reaction but I was proud of myself for not resorting to just punching him in the face like I'm sure my father would have (my shoulder's messed up enough, right?).

Keep up the good fight, my friend! LET'S DO THIS!

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Thank you for speaking up!!!

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Thank you so much for your sign waving events. They have helped me to find joy and hope amidst the serious concerns I have over this election.Your wisdom and leadership has been such a great support! It's been fun helping you thank you!!

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I’m loving your posts. Being confined to home and pt appointments I must live vicariously for at least 6 more weeks. That means I will miss all the fun. You are doing an amazing job!

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I hear you, Dave. At this point I think we've done all that we can. Existential dread is now an integral part of my daily life and I console myself only by thinking about the future and how it may be a case of "be careful what you wish for" when the people who fucked around, find out. My husband and I will make it through whatever befalls us but so many others are not in that position. We are old, we are nearing the end of our shelf-life but those who wished this hell upon us will have to live with the consequences far longer. My children have voted, may that not have been in vain for it is their lives that will be impacted far more than ours. Attending your sign waving at Oracle and Ina buoyed my spirits, if only for a day or so. Thank you for all you have done. You are a true Arizona hero.

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Thanks for all you do, Dave!

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Thank you so much for what you are doing - so very important and inspiring.

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Thank you for all and whatever you are doing!!

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For the last two election cycles, the Democrats for Picture Rocks have done sign waves right here in red out-county. Our next one is Friday, November 1st from 3 to 5 pm at the corner of Sandario and Picture Rocks Road. Would you have time to talk about it? Thank you Fitz, you are our hero.

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