Excellent, Fitz!!!

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And the truth is stranger than fiction… Good one Fitz! Made me chortle with demented glee.

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David, have you shared your perspective on Tom Horne pushing ESAs while calling Arizona’s public schools “already excellent” while they have recently ranked in the bottom 10% nationally according to various rankings?

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Hobbs has her work cut out for her! I wouldn’t be surprised if the scum in Phoenix use this post for ideas. It’s hard to do sarcasm!

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And discerning sarcasm takes a level of intelligence some of our representatives don’t possess

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Given the Relative pRepondeRance of one of the paRties, I would substitute "some" with "most".

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I appreciate the chance to laugh at the idiocy of the current Arizona legislature! Thank goodness for Governor Hobbs and her ability to counter the bullcrap coming across her desk. As a snowbird, who isn't directly affected by whatever comes of of this state's legislature, it still gives me pause to wonder at what my neighbors were thinking when they last voted!

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I'm stuck here and I wonder IF they did/do much thinking at all.

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Thanks for the smile, there hard to come by these days.

I was wondering, speaking of Alabama West, how does the Alabama Supreme Court determine which embryo is 3/5s a human and does this require a different degree of punishment, you know like lynching was basically a forgivable crime not that long ago in Alabama that is, if I remember correctly, the victim was determined to be 3/5s a person. It's surprising how some states celebrate Black History month isn't it.

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Oh good. Now list some satirical bills! 8-)

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Thanks Fitz! Would be even funnier if it wasn’t TRUE!😭

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Thank you FItz for making this day for me. And - shouts of joy that Gov. Hobbs is truly governing.

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Except.... are there 3 Sb 1281s?

And the 1st one wasn't vetoed?!?

🇺🇸Keep on 🗽keepin' on 💙

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So glad we have Hobbs for governor!

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Sure hop she has a large supply of veto stamps; she must be wearing them out at a regular clip!

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Thank you David! A good laugh is the great way to start a morning! The only caveat is that some of those loony bills might actually be tried. Veto away, Governor Hobbs!

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