Remember "Dynasty"? I'd like to see a bitch slapping cat fight next to an inflatable pool filled with water and a cup of Dawn dish soap... Can you imagine the orange oil slick from instantly dissolved makeup? Kari Lake can vacuum up the bubbles from the carpet.

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My favorite thing about that show was the shoulder pads.

Linda Evans, Diahann Carroll, and Joan Collins would go one way and their shoulders the other.

The only people I ever saw who had bigger shoulder pads were members of the New York Jets defensive line.

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What a way to start my day....this is hilarious, good job

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Thank you for making me lol all the way through! You made my day. 🤣🤣🤣

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Another rule: for any false statement made by either participant, a loud klaxon or buzzer will sound followed by the statement “liar,liar pants on fire”.

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Why, oh why would Biden debate with orangehead? Gives him exposure and validity. MAGA’s won’t change. Neither will those with functioning brains and moral fiber.

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trumpty dump won't show. He's a coward and will find a reason to back out.

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I don't think I've watched a debate since Kennedy/Nixon when I was nine. After that I knew that they weren't going to change anyone's mind who already had made a choice, which I always had by that time. As for those who are still undecided, I think this analogy by David Sedaris from 2020 to the same choice we face this year holds just as true: "I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. 'Can I interest you in the chicken?' she asks. 'Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?' To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

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This is some funny shit! Thanks, Man.

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Give credit where credit is due, I like a man courage's enough to ware his IQ score right there on the side of his little red hat and brave enough to face a debilitating 'bone spur' while sporting a new brown golf shirt. There is something to be admired about a debate between an AI mime and an AHole convict.

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"We have a proud history of electing morons who were the stellar un-intelligentsia of the right."

Why does a picture of the car salesman governor Evan Mecham immediately pop into my head?

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Well, some local talent. It is funny about politics. There seems to be a Mandelbrot set of self symmetry no matter the scale of government from HOA boards, to school boards, to city and county governments continuing through state to country and beyond.

One may not see the symmetry until one plots the geometry along the most relevant axes. Just look along the axes of greed, corruption, self importance.

For example, where you live, look at where a corrupt school board member with higher political ambitions manipulates a school district to purchase a site for future school, owned by politically powerful family, that can no longer be developed residentially because of high levels of radon gas. After more than three decades the site is still vacant.

How about a corrupt supervisor who gets his country to purchase a failing high rise downtown office building, owned by friends, at a price that ASSUMES no asbestos contamination, though it is commonly known it is failing because of the contamination,then the county spends millions cleaning up the contamination.

Looking along this axis don’t we see the same thing across the country at all state levels and, of course, the federal level where military bases not needed kept open to help politicians, dated weapon systems not phased out because of where they are based or manufactured and on and on. Why is the NASA Space Center in Houston or rockets launched in Florida? The list of examples at all levels so large, so large, so large and now vulnerable to those gaining power that want the rebuilding of the temple so that their god will come down and kill everyone that does not have their particular saddistic, male dominance beliefs

Great job with your satire peace. Since I live in same city I guess I’m not surprised.

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1. I don't think this debate will happen. The Bloated Yam will weasel out of it.

2. The only beneficiaries of it will be late-night comedians. Trumpetoons cannot be swayed by facts, and Biden supporters already know the facts.

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