Here are 6:45 AM on a Friday I have attend the Church of Reason though I did not hear the choir sing or thy lord Trump sing! Yet.

But I now know the first wayward American to be brought before the new King Oh lord of Fake Hair on Jan. 20th in the day of our lord (4 years X 365 days/yr. = A lot of days and I can't multiply to well any more) plus one day Jan. 20th.

And he the most wayward one will stand and receive wisdom from the new King and he shall not laugh at the King or exclaim that the Emperor hath no clothes on!

Peace! A faithful member of the Church of Reason and Democracy for as the wise cigar smoker said

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time; but there is the broad feeling in our country that the people should rule, continuously rule, and that public opinion, expressed by all constitutional means, should shape, guide, and control the actions of Ministers who are their servants and not their masters."

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Might be time for a new and improved version of the 10 Commandments... One that is suitable for schools;

(1) Thou shall not be stupid, (2) Thou shall not hate your fellow inhabitants of planet earth, (3) Thou shall not be a hypocrite, (4) Thou shall try to do good in all things, (5) Thou shall not worship money above all else, (6) Thou shall not take the word of those seeking power without proof of truth (7) Thou shall not rely on television or the internet to tell you the truth, (8) Thou shall strive to embrace the positive, and improve the negative, (9) Thou shall be open to the possibility of being wrong on occasion, (10) When in doubt about anything, refer to items 1 through 9.

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No one but you, David Fitzsimmons, could take such ominous topics and write about them in such a compelling and engaging way. Your messages need to be shouted from every rooftop. Unfortunately, I feel that the message in Simon & Garfunkel’s song, The Sound of Silence, is what is happening in our beloved country right now ~ “People hearing without listening…”People praying to the neon gods they made.” BUT YOU, David, are doing YOUR best to make a difference, and that is all anyone can do. Thank You 🙏! Kathleen (Kitten) Brennan PCSD Captain (Retired), Ph.D.

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Don't forget the 11th and most important Commandment;

Keep thy religion to thyself.

- from the great profit George Carlin

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No, they do not. Nor do they care to learn, unless it's preached by their Orange 'Neon God.' They seem to be a lost group who never passed U.S. History in HS, and probably don't know who Thomas Jefferson might be. Find "The Sound of Silence," by Simon & Garfunkel, 1990s concert in NYC ... it pretty much outlines where we are today. 'Hope this can be used:: https://youtu.be/L-JQ1q-13Ek

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BRAVO! What a wonderfully eloquent diatribe (per its first definition). Your command of the language never ceases to amaze me.

btw - has that photo had the ribbon markers photoshopped into it? I could have sworn Trump was holding the bible upside down in the original.

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Right on!

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Following is the actual language of SB 1151. The all caps section in #11 is the only change.

Note that which "ten commandments" is not specified. The Jewish ten commandments differ from the Catholic version, which differs from the Protestant version. There are also "abbreviated Catholic and Protestant versions, which are what is commonly taught. Note also that there are different translations, Final item of potential interest; Because no version of the "ten commandments' is specified in the bill, Fitz's list would also be eligible for classroom posting.


15-717. American history and heritage4

A teacher or administrator in any school in this state may read or5

post in any school building copies or excerpts of the following materials:6

1. The national motto "in God we trust".7

2. The national anthem.8

3. The pledge of allegiance.9

4. The preamble to the constitution of this state.10

5. The declaration of independence.11

6. The mayflower compact.12

7. Writings, speeches, documents and proclamations of the founding13

fathers and the presidents of the United States.14

8. Published decisions of the United States supreme court.15

9. Acts of the United States Congress.16

10. The state motto "Ditat Deus", which means "God enriches".17


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If only they believed in Jesus.

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Even hunter Thimpson would aspire to your eloquence! Thanks for this!

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