It's called public education for a reason. We are a democracy and a well educated public is expected to be able to make informed decisions for the country. Does anyone not understand that? Did anyone not learn that as part of democracy? Vouchers are not the answer. They are the disease. Support public education. No vouchers, period. Fund your own private schools on your own dime, no exceptions. Fund not defund a strong public education system. Duh....

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You are correct once again, Dave. I can't believe they put Jabba the Hut back in control of education. What a disaster. Funny how giving food or water to the needy is immediately trumpeted as "Socialism," yet when the state gave the wealthy a huge tax cut last year, it was an "economic incentive." For whose economy would that benefit? Not that of the forgotten soldiers left in classrooms, or the neighborhoods left to ruin so overpriced stucco box dwellers can enjoy the benefits of "desert dwelling" in comfortable environments and private education. This at the expense of long-time residents who support a ravaged system. Keep fighting and just say no!

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Anyone in their right mind (exclusive of redumblicans) can see what an educational and fiscal disaster this is. Our generation has been a significant part of the problem since funding for public education has always been shortchanged on dollars. Where do you think the MAGAs were educated? In underfunded, poorly staffed schools. Poor teachers, poor students, poor elected officials. Arizona should pay for and get the best public school teachers that tax money can buy.

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Thanks for a really great column. This is a return to segregation based on wealth.

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Amen, amen, and amen, Brother Fitz!

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gods bless you, David! My legal home is in Wisconsin (though I flee to AZ during the interminable winter). WI is egregiously gerrymandered thanks to the majority Repugs, and our legislature has quashed progressiveness here in the state that begat Fighting Bob LaFollette. A lot of the same stuff you write about is going on in WI. You’d almost think there was a playbook, and that some secretive, shady rightwing organization was writing the legislation. Oh, wait, heeeeeeere’s ALEC!

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Very well put!

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In the background, lest we forget, is Sen. Sadsack banging away on her pots and pans to gain support for Republican tax money to fund private school vouchers.

BTW: Where does Sadsack's recall petition stand? There is just over a month left to sign it. Let's promo the need for citizens to sign up. Where can that be accomplished in her district?

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Just perfect. Thank you! Would you mind if the cartoons show up in Blog for AZ's Cartoons of the Week next week?

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You echoed my thoughts on the whole school vouchers program! I have always believed that PUBLIC schools were what made this the land of opportunity; where every child had a fair start in life. If we gut that system, we will have gutted the strength of this country. Keep it up, David, please!

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My boomer kids were all well educated in Tucson public schools. My Boomer stepdaughter was one of the Mexican American studies people people who sued the state. My stepdaughter‘s friend, Anne Eve Peterson saw the dangers of the voucher system early on, and lobbied against it. So my dear Fitz, you are preaching to the choir! Support Red for Ed, and vote for Democrats!

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You have only one error or misdirected statement: it isn’t boomers sending their kids. As your bumper sticker later states, it’s their grandchildren. It may be boomer legislators, but the parents who benefit are not. It may be boomer plutocrats and friends who reap the profits but it is their children’s children who “benefit” at Faber Preparatory and Snob Academy. (Full disclosure: my grandson goes to a parochial school that has not taken a swan dive into the abyss. When he started 9 years ago, yes, 9, it was the best choice then.)

Great narrative, accurate on all counts, and foreseen by many. Great cartoons that hit the topic hard! (As they should!) Excellent call backs to Animal House and Dr. Strangelove and maybe more boomer iconic movies. You might have missed one called “Teacher” I think…it has a classic ending as I remember. Full disclosure redux: I did 35 years as a social studies teacher and administrator in public high schools, BUT not in Arizona!

Excellent analysis, great job!

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Vouchers are terrific for those folks who want to send kids to schools who teach a certain religion and political point of view...and we all pay for that. It further divides our country and destroys public education, where most of us old timers got our learning. Now, that's a win-win situation for religious right wingers and a lose-lose situation for the rest of us.

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Why voting matters.

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Nailed it! Infuriating!

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