Thanks, David. I was born January 1935. A lot of people underestimated Hitler and the Nazis in those days...(History should be a cautionary tale.)

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I'm a 1931 kid. 'Anybody up for a Depression? I was a little girl sitting in my Dad's lap, crying as Pearl Harbor was attacked.

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Well reading your latest wasn't the best way to start my day. It will be an interesting journey. At this point in time we don't know if the wheels are totally off the bus, there's only one leg left that can save us and I am not counting on Congress to uphold their pledge to the Constitution. However I can give credit to Trump for one thing, you can now be a convicted felon, who can't get a job at McDonalds, but you can be employed in Washington DC. It truly is interesting times and my one wish would be to come back in 50 years and read the books about what happened to America.

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Thanx, FITZ. Under-estimation and complacency have a head start, here and elsewhere. If anyone still is not worried sick, their humanity is out to lunch.

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There still is a pervasive denial of tRump danger flavored with a misplaced expectation that courts will check the worst of tRump. Not true. A book by Martha Gelhorn titled A STRICKEN FIELD describes conditions in Prague in the late 1930s shortly after Hitler invaded the Sudentland. The horror that people went through is a major ditto to Fitz's description of the basement meeting above. The voters who chose tRump are going to have numerous examples of and are going to personally experience the consequences of voting for tRump.

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Disappointed I don’t have a basement to escape to. Thanks for closing with the holiday spirit of fun activities to do but I’m still not quite in the mood. The news seems to be getting more grim everyday with Trump filling in his cabinet picks. I’m still holding out in two years with the next elections we can restock our Congress with better quality of representatives.

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It means we need to start that process now...and the Democratic Party needs to do some soul-searching about how to reach those that feel we aren't meeting their needs--despite the concrete evidence of all that the Biden administration has done for infrastructure, jobs, etc. The messaging is off, and Agent Orange has figured out how to use hate to inspire folks to vote. We need to counter that. It's time for the gloves to come off.

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IF elections are allowed and IF they're not rigged by muskRat's / Russian / other hack. I don't buy for a second that our purple state with Dem leadership, actually voted majority for treasonous fascistfelon45-34-47.

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I don’t care about myself any longer. But I care deeply about the generations behind me. My granddaughter who is six! It is almost unbelievable. I am stuck between feeling the shit WILL come and wondering if we HAVE any guardrails left.

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Well, Fitz, I'm afraid you captured my nightmare in your writing this morning. This is exactly what I'm worried could happen. All the talk about "there's guardrails" on our Democracy in the media does nothing to allay that fear. I saw a recent article going step by step through all the ways the "guardrails" are in place, and at every point, I found myself shouting at the screen about all the ways those "guardrails" are ALREADY being undermined. So the question is how to start the resistance now. I've subscribed to Democracy Docket so I have a liberal, democracy led news source. I'm trying to connect with others and groups that will stand against the red hats, but honestly, I'm unsure this is enough. What will resistance look like? How to toss sand in the gears of the Orange Dumpster Fire mechanism. What I see is already a lot of hand-wringing and pearl-clutching, and not a lot of concrete action. When will we say NO? What is it that will cause Americans to rise up? (and hopefully, it's not too late). Some of my friends say I'm looking at the worst possible outcome and being an Eeyore. When it's too late, it's too late. It doesn't do you any good to try and put up plywood over your windows when the wind is howling at 100 mph outside. So...how to prepare now?

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Powerfully unsettling, my friend. Sobering quote from 1938. Much to ponder. Action is required. What should that action be? We need to make noise, but more importantly, we need to make change.

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After just viewing "Bonhoeffer: Pastor.Spy.Assassin" at the Roadhouse, I felt chills run down my spine to read your "Underestimating Trump!" Bonhoeffer gave his life to fight evil - will I be that brave?

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You have successfully scared the crap out of me. Only because I can see it happening. Might be to start digging a basement. None of us will sleep at night until that felon is on Alcatraz where he belongs and the rest of his family and cohorts. If he lives that long.

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Yep. I feel it's better to expect and prepare for the worst and then hope to be wrong. Thank you for mentioning the Bisbee Deportation (I wrote about it here: https://open.substack.com/pub/judeaz/p/sixteen-tons-of-blood-sweat-and-tears?r=5mwrm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web ). No one was ever convicted or held accountable for depriving citizens of their civil rights, and the Justice decision that determined it was okay to do so "during wartime" is exactly what the Patriot Act was based upon. You know, the one that allows for government surveillance of civilians and freezing all assets of SUSPECTED--not tried and convicted-- "terrorists"? Much like the "Enemy Within", the definition of "terrorist" is determined by those in charge.

Our Congress lacks the courage and spine of the South Koreans, so I fully expect none of them to stand up when the Convicted Felon invokes the Insurrection Act. All we can do is try to be nonviolent like MLK and those brave souls in Tiananmen Square. Will the Army go along? Hard to say. If it's only a few people they kill, like at Kent State, they could shrug it off. But will they fire into a crowd of thousands? Since the Russian Connection is strong with this incoming admin, how about a little Russian comparison? Will our Army behave like the Palace Guard at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905 by murdering hundreds, or will they respond by joining the protesters to overthrow the Czar as in 1917?

All I know is we have to do what we can within our own spheres of influence. And do not obey in advance.

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Hi David- This is David Prouty. Thanks again for your work. Your mention of Bisbee reminded me of Matewan, a John Sayles film about the miners’ strike in West Virginia, 1920. I would recommend the Blu-ray for its illuminating extras.

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“Trumpism was never about making America great again. It’s about weaponizing your fear and resentment. Immigrants, women daring to expect control over their own bodies, trans kids, and “wokeness”—these weren’t your enemies until he told you they were. Trumpism isn’t about policy, principles, or progress; it’s a spectacle, a theater of grievance where you gleefully cast yourself as the victim while ignoring the real threats tearing this country apart.”


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Wish I could post a perfect screenshot of Ice T comparing treasonous fascistfelon45-34-47 to Satan

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IM reader to Resist now.

I wholeheartedly believe shithole45 is as evil as is apparent through his past and current actions!

Underestimate. him. At. Your. Own. Peril!

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Sadly, it's all possible, if we don't stand up and fight back. There's got to be a way. I'll stay tuned for suggestions! Thanks for keeping us WOKE!

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