I have had pro-choice, and anti trump signs in my yard for years.

I have a BLM flag hanging from my eaves.

I live in a trumpy neighborhood.

But I have had several people I didn't know stop by and thank me for the display. For one reason or another, they're afraid to put a sign out.

One lady said she told her children if they ever needed help, mine was the house to go to.

I've gotten plenty of hate, too.

Busted window on my truck, yelling, and flipping us off.

But we are out there, and I use my white privilege to the best of my ability.

I can't wait for Part 2!

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Fitz, liked the column. BUT "searching for the daily outrage that would provoke both men to LAY awake in their empty beds"? LIE awake! yrs, Grandma Grammarian

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Anxiously awaiting Part 2!

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Wow! Like reading a suspense novel! I didn't realize at first that this was a two-parter, so I'm now anxiously awaitig the second half. Thanks for getting my heart rate up!

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Me too!

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Great stuff! I like the "necropolis" reference, and the inclusion of a reference to the walls. Very nicely descriptive of the characters. Very descriptive of sections of Tucson and its Metro area in so many respects! I wonder if Ms. Lake's staff would approve of a large number of Glocks showing up at her rallies and campaign events. Her security would be as nervous as a cat in the dog pound.

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