Great second chapter! Great description of the "Barrio BMW."

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Thank you David. I haven't known you long as a writer, but keep it up! You should think about a series of short stories.

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Our HOA just banned all signs. We had large Trump shrine that stayed up until inaugeration day in 2020.

Not sure that they really can legally since there have been other opinion signs up forever and I am not sure it is currently valid in the CC&Rs. as it has not been inforced..

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Yep. If they actually became election or pollworkers they would know how difficult it is to rig the vote. In fact, it would take Repugnicants complicity at every step of the process, because at least here there is a Repug alongside every Democrat. Occasionally there actually IS a Maga-hat conspiracy loony that works the polls or the election, and they often do mutter inanities about how the vote is rigged but leave pretty dissatisfied when they see how hard that would be!

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The story is keeping me on edge. Luv it 💕

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"Patton" sounds like my not-quite-scraggly orange tabby named Fritzgerald the Bastard Cat of Tombstone (Ask David Kleinman about him) who should be having his quinceañera today but refuses to wear the crown and veil, not because of any anti-LBGTQ+ notions but just because he refuses to wear ANYTHING. Fritz is anxiously awaiting the conclusion and told me he hopes Patton kicks Charlie's butt by eating a collared lizard and then puking it into that Glock.

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Once again, you have left me hanging, waiting anxiously for Part 3. Have a wonderful weekend, and i will hope to see the conclusion on Monday? Thanks!

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