This column is hilarious and also, sadly, factually spot on. In my opinion, it is one of your best columns ever. I appreciate all the research that went into it, as well as the alliteration and other poetic devices you employ to make it a wonderful work of art.

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Good God Gertrude, this here 'thang' is a mega-trove of $10 words! It's a big time, over-the-top, never stop lingo salad that needs no dressing. It is a marathon of "poetry in motion" and proves that TRUTH is a gazillion times more enlightening than one may imagine. I'm a word-person, and I am left gasping for air! Totally loved it!

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Need to keep calling out the traitors, and fascists for what they are. Thx Fitz!

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Thank you, Fitz, for this trip down memory lane and all the details I missed the first time around. Quite frankly, I am terrified for our country and for our rule of law, the Constitution. Thank you for your public rage. It helps me deal with my own suppressed emotions.

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Great history! Or is this “Great horror!” Or both?

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To continue – a few good movies about investigative journalism “spotlight “, “His girl Friday “, and “zodiac”. Enjoy!

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What we need, at least troubling times is good investigative journalism! This you have provided in Spain, dear David. Thank you for the excellent essay!

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DJT would be a fool to run again when he knows the election is fixed.

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But then he would be believing his own squid poop…which is a betrayal he cannot handle. Also, if he knows the fix is in, why not show the facts and mechanisms before they compromise any result? Not complain about them, but show them to everyone of us?

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