It was this year when we finally got AC installed to replace the ol' swamp box. I do find I really miss the lovely aroma of fresh, wet aspen shavings in the very beginning of swamp cooler season.

That's it.

That's ALL I miss.

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My guidelines for June-July in Tucson should anyone ask the temperature:

if 100-110, answer "warm day"

if 111-120, answer "very warm day"

There is no such thing as a "hot" day in Tucson. Try this, it helps.

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More than anything, I miss your "toons" in the Star, so thank you for today's bonanza. Still have a swamp cooler here, but loads of shade trees and new energy efficient windows. The windows have made a huge difference. I think that it's cooler outside before the sunrise, but I'll never know that for certain. Here's to summer.

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Ah - the bittersweetness of a Tucson summer. Mostly bitter, but you have made it seem tolerable, not terrible. And your memories of changing out the cooler pads was spot on. A project always undertaken in the noonday by thousands of bare chested men!

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You know what makes Tucson heat bearable? Living in Phoenix for 20 years. 😎 stay cool, everyone

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Best time of year when the traffic thins somewhat from the U of A student NASCAR applicants and the poor snowbirds who have no idea where they're going or that yes, Ironwood Hills is Grant Road that becomes Kolb... I do miss the days when everything would close from noon till three for siesta out of the midday sun time. (Yes, I'm that old.)

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The heat has got to me! I bought a cypress tree from the live auction at Tucson Bonsai Society this past Sunday. What was I thinking? In this summer heat a live cypress tree - now I have to figure out how to keep it alive all summer. Boy am I looking forward to the monsoons 🤣. Love all the seasons here: the flowers, the skies, the Catalina Mountains and oh yes the summer sizzling heat.

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I have moved many of my bonsai trees inside where I can watch their water levels closely. I try not to miss a day so having them nearby reminds me to give them the rains my invaders are accustomed to. They are such wonderful entrancing marvels.

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Back in the Midwest, it definitely wasn’t a “dry heat,” which made it worse, not to mention the threat from tornados, so I’d rather be in the Sonoran Desert!

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Love the old toons. They’re timeless. Keep ‘em comin’.

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As a snowbird, currently shivering in cool Oregon, I will actually miss the heat. In 2020, we stayed all year because of Covid, and I liked it! I was in the community pool for an hour every day and then back to the house and the AC. Ended up with my first ever real suntan and a great appreciation for monsoon rains and good neighbors!

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I hear the cicadas singing in the trees every day! Actually they sound like they're in the house. Never mind, it's just my tinnitus. Some people hear crickets, I hear cicadas.

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Stay cozy, my friend.

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Thank you for your talent and dedication to sharing your knowledge and kindness

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Anoia - love this! Thank you! 🥰

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I grew up in Redding, California, which is almost as hot as Tucson during the summer. Unless someone grew up with a swamp cooler, they have no idea what you are talking about. Our swamp cooler did not reach my room, so I would sleep on the couch under the swamp cooler. Every year in July in the late 50s the local Chamber of Commerce would fry an egg on the sidewalk in downtown Redding.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

David: Much as the summer heat inspires you, I urge you to consider leaving it for a short spell to travel to Minneapolis to see the Keith Haring show at the Walker Art Center. It is a marvelous collection of his art. Haring proclaimed "Art is for everybody," and his indeed is. I found myself smiling so many times as I looked at his cartoon-like images, then tearing up because his life was so short. Tried to copy and paste one of my favorites here, but it is not possible. He condemned corporate greed and political corruption while celebrating the joys in life. Reminded me of you. (Oh, and the temps here are great!)

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