Next up: A refresher course on ALEC and its connection to right-wing legislators in every state. It’s at the state level that these issues will live or die. The Republicans and the religious right know these are easier pickin’s than attempting nationwide or Congressional action.

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David: It drives me crazy that these organizations working to take away our freedom use names like Alliance Defending Freedom, Moms for Liberty, etc. Thanks for calling them out both by names of leaders and by their association with Arizona. And, of course, Steve Bannon, the convicted felon who may really go to prison bought a home in the Tucson area. Maybe it's for his post prison rehab.

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Well I was feeling really good about living in AZ. You sure spoiled that! Thanks for spreading the gospel and I’m hoping His Orangeness is nothing more than a nightmare we can all wake up from. In the meantime I’ll try my best to be a disciple of freedom of speech and sanity for democracy.

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This is scary indeed. But is there hope? Now that the orange heel has actually become a convicted felon., do you think it might make some of his supporters stop and think about voting for him? The thought that he might by some horrible fluke be elected makes me physically ill. Thank you, Fitz, for bringing the real vermin into the light.

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Totally agree but saw no mention of the affiliated “Center for Arizona Policy” & Kathy jerko the witch hunter She and her group have done similarly nasty damage to Az citizens and would also be due for a puke bath Right on Fitz!

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All the posts, blogs, e-mails and rhetoric notwithstanding, the answer will be in the result of the presidential election. At that time we will know more about America or america.

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To quote my favorite bumper sticker: ‘Jesus is coming, and boy is he pissed’…

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I’m with you. But am an atheist. So that doesn’t help.

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Please don’t call Mike Pence “vice president”. I’m sure you’re only repeating what THEY are saying, but could you at least call him Vice President (sic) Mike Pence?

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I knew there were and are a bunch oh whackadoodle not jobs in our midst but these are the “male” needy babies who wanted to be the star quarterbacks for life - but they were the guys that mistreated their partners, wanted nothing more than a baby maker who wore her pearls to church. - then her corset when she got home.

They may fool themselves but seriously who is more creepy than Fake Christian Pence- these guys would be so much fun at a party - but they were never invited…. So revenge is mineth sayeth these guys…..

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Thanks for referring to Secular Az and their Friday podcast. I hope Bannon's house is not near either one of us. I'm guessing it is in a pricey gated community, so probably not our neighborhoods.

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We are well and truly fucked.

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Well done, Fitz! ✌️❤️

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David, you have to be very careful when using Satire; you make it all sound like it's the only thing to believe in, when you're really indicating it's a bunch of crap.

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This is all very real. Check out the reporting I link to in my screed.

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