"Women are always saving our ass, aren't they?" needs to be a meme.

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Fuck any veteran that supports the Felon.

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This November presents two options:

Prosecutor or Criminal.

You can choose only one.

I'll take the prosecutor over the felon ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

That's why I often wear this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" t-shirt and I'm getting lots of "where-did-you-get-this? 👇 🤣


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You might want to come to Green Valley on a Saturday morning from about 8-9 am at the corner of La Canada and Esperanza. Three corners filled with Kamala/Walz signs and one corner with the other guy. I would safely say that about 90% of the cars driving by were honking and giving thumbs up to our Kamala signs. It was joyful. We will not go back.

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Excellent! I am so proud to know you, Ms.Good Trouble. On my list.

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I just picked up my Harris/ Walz yard sign yesterday here in Tempe. Proudly placed it in our front patio a few minutes ago. I love your stories. It makes me sad I have an aunt in Washington State in a very red area. She is afraid to post any Harris stuff due to the Trumpsters. She's afraid of vandalism. It makes me really sad. We have to stand up. I'm lucky enough to live in a progressive town wirh a college. So I get all the love for blue 💙. When we fight, we WIN!

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We put up our signs this weekend because we won't let them win by intimidating us. These days, everyone has Ring cameras so let her know that it's unlikely anyone will risk being caught vandalizing and even if, there will be evidence.

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I will thanks. I know she doesn't have one and lives in a kind of rural area. So I may ask her to get one. I know she has one for some of the wildlife. Now she just needs to move o e to the wild animals that are those crazy supporters. 😆

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Thanks for being a walking billboard! Thanks to your son for volunteering; canvassing is effective and important, fulfilling work.

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This warms my heart so much! We do have to fight the battle to win… it’s not easy when people we once respected are cray-cray for tRump but I’m down for it!

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"SHE se puede!" 'Love it! Oh, say can you "Si," right? Fitz, your 'shopping trip' was great ... lookin' so uptown' ... Tucson, that is! I totally LOVED the guy who sees that women are always "saving our ass!" 'Thought I was first on that plot, but I firmly DO believe that the women of this country are on the most important mission of their lives ... and are focussed on several points. Many more men are appreciating THAT attitude, rather than ... as JD suggested ... thinking that their masculinity somehow is threatened! Who's the wimp, here ... these MAGA-GOP males are beyond weird!

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Waiting for my signs they are on the way. Love your columns. Glad you are the heart survivor also

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Me, I have a Blue Tsunami of Cats shirt I just got yesterday: https://a.co/d/1yZOoJE

I wore it to our Yoga for Honoring Celeste session at Crooked Tooth yesterday to rave reviews. When YOU have a corner sign day, I will proudly stand beside you, compadre.

[Our yoga buddy Celeste died last Saturday from metastatic breast cancer, same kind I was dx'd with last year only hers moved so fast she didn't even have time to get her chemo port placed. To say I'm devastated is an understatement. We're team walking in October in her honor at the Making Strides walk. Here's her page: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/celestesposse And please get your mammograms. Sorry for the shameless plug, Dave, but I know you know I know you understand.]

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Right there with you, Jude. I seem to be a cancer magnet, but early detection saves lives. Sorry for your loss, Jude. BC takes far too many lives, both women and men.

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This article is a treasure! I'm a pessimist, pushing 80 and so discouraged by the eroding of rights we fought for and won so long ago, but your stories gave me some hope, at least a little bit.

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What an excellent experience you had in your Kamla shirt! I’m so glad to hear this! I’m unwillingly peeling my Marianne Williamson sticker off my car with a little trepidation and fear of retaliation against my car, which will probably become my home, definitely if Trump wins again. So kudos to you for your bravery and triple kudos to your son!

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Love your Kamala shirt story (with a red hat!!!). I so agree we have to out-Trump them with shirts, yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. You have given me inspiration to wear my shirt out and about. I'll probably get reprimanded by my country club (north Scottsdale), and then I'll put a yard sign on my fence boardering hole #1!! I'll find some other Dem members that way, too. Thank you!

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Tucsonan here - summer in the white mountains - and wore my Harris T-shirt when early-morning walking one morning around the neighborhood (which includes LOTS of GQP folk with *xrump* signs, and conspicuous American flags). Usually I am ignored on these walks, but the morning I wore the T-shirt, one elderly woman waved enthusiastically to me from her screened porch. The only thing different that day was the shirt. And a car parked in her spot had a “Ridin’ on Faith” license plate, so I had figured they were a fan of tffg. I think there are closet Harris fans everywhere! And let’s all encourage everyone to vote their conscience and what kind of future they want to live , not who bubba-hubby tells them to vote for. 🥰

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Up until six weeks ago, my hope was being kept alive on life support, but thanks to Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and good troublemakers like you, my hope has been exhilarated! Thank you and keep on keeping on!

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Love it! Sounds as though you got a lot more positive than negative feedback, so keep up the great work!

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Lookin' good, bro.

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