Journalism in all media needs to remember how to stand up on its hind legs. Journalism needs to react and get its hackles up. Journalism needs to remember its inclusion into the boundaries of our then new-country by none other than George Washington. He required that a FREE PRESS be available as necessary for the safety and protection of its citizens. Journalism can DO that simply by reporting the actual truth of our times. Reporting truth is NOT a partisan practice.

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With IA and Social Media now running rampant I am beginning to wonder if anyone knows what the “truth” is anymore. I continue to have faith in good journalism and the facts. Real facts and not alternative facts. Just plain reporting the news would be a welcome and not the reporters opinions. Geez I miss Walter Cronkite and Tim Russert, thank goodness I still have Rachel Maddow and can get my comic relief from Jon Stewart.

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What is wrong, really, with the media? Surely they can see and hear the very dangerous threat that is Trump, and yet they still insist on talking about him as though he's a normal, rational human. It's truly beyond all logical thought and understanding.

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Do you know how to tell that trump's a racist? He's never raped any women of color.

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You go Fitz. Our media is letting us down big time. I like your headlines, they represent reality.

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One word- insanity!

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Mainstream fairness is making journalism a not funny joke

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Scary guy! We may have to leave the country! Like I say, vote early and often

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