So glad you're not going to be joining the ever-growing 'All Star Band' in the hereafter yet! This whole getting older thing is pretty damn scary...

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Geezers (especially) need a thorough "derm" check at least annually; and please don't ignore, procrastinate, neglect to get a colonoscopy as frequently as your primary care doc recommends. Oh, you don't regularly (at least for your annual Medicare "wellness" check) see your primary care doc? These are two big killers and needn't be if one takes care of oneself. If you do none of the above why not reconsider the resumption of smoking? I loved it...25 years ago and cigarette taxes help fund our government.

Thank you Fitz for an excellent and timely reminder.

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This is a very good column. Thank you. I am glad that worrying did you no particular good but got you checked out. Buy a lottery ticket and use that luck.

My favorite Buffet tune is “Fruitcakes.” It explains us all!

Stay healthy, stay safe. Seriously.

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Great column that provides us with good advice around SPF use, skin monitoring and the value of humor!

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I feel your pain, and the fear! I had skin cancer, and was convinced even after the NP froze the spot. When I went back a year later, they wanted to freeze if again and I adamantly refused. Didn't work the first time; let's be more aggressive. They took a scraping. Called me a few days later... Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Sometimes being right is a real pain.

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Used to hike with a guy in AZ. Never wore sunscreen.

"I don't worry about that", he would say.

He got melanoma did nothing and it spread and killed him.

"I don't worry about that" can KILL YOU.

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P.S. Always saw Jimmy Buffett as just another low class Florida drunk. Didn't care for his music or his fans.

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Your Dermatologist called them barnacles. Mine called them hitchhikers. Just one more joy about growing older.

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Good advice; I had a "funny freckle" on my face and in 2015 learned that while it was basal cell, the "easiest" of skin cancers, it was shaped like a turnip; required five returns during the MOHs procedure and a plastic surgeon's reconstruction skills. My new theme song for this stage of life is Buffett's "Growing Older But Not Up."


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