I witnessed the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict most of my life .

The Israeli government has been murdering innocent women and children in Palestine for 75 years. Pretending it's in self defence.

What about the West Bank and Jerusalem , what excuse do they have for murdering them?

What's happening in Palestine right now is heartbreaking. We are witnessing illegal Israeli settlers forcing people out of their homes and land.

chosen kids of god ? Doing all this wrongful acts and killing innocent children in his name. Shame on them .

The true Judaism stand with humanity.


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The Israel-Hamas thing is one more vivid example of biblical prophecy, that there will be "wars and rumors of wars" forever ... or words to that effect. There is no why, there will be no win, because there is no solution. Victory, destruction, humanitarian approach ... all are useless. This conflict, since the protagonists 'Beginning of Time,' does not wish to be solved. The participants have agreed to disagree at any level, at any depth. As in the past, the present innocents remain victims ... in the wrong place at the wrong time. In 1948, I was a 17-yr. old JR in HS, seeing 'that' war unfold, and today I am 92. --- "The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same!" --- My biggest concern is "here" and our need for the defense and survival of our own 'Self-Governing Republic.' My recurring thought remains, "How can any of this actually BE?"

Check it out: Romans 12:19-21:

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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Ancient eternal wisdom.

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Excellent, just excellent.

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You and Michael Moore have articulated so brilliantly the brutal truths about this god-awful carnage on both sides. How anyone alive can take pleasure in what has happened/is happening is beyond comprehension. Thank you for sharing the historical perspective of man’s inhumanity to man. We never learn.

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It is "they" who never learn. Their belief in reincarnation overrules.

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Good analysis, excellently expressed.

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Soon after Hamas terrorists using hang-gliders murdered about 250 innocent concertgoers inside Israel, the BLM Chicago branch put out a grotesque poster glorifying the atrocity. It is astonishing and outrageous that most major national media organizations reported that Israel blew up a hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds. The Associated Press, Reuters, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, The Washington Post, and the New York Times all inflamed a violent situation by reporting the Hamas accusation. None of those agencies had any backup for their reportage. Subsequently, US intelligence puts the blame on a rocket misfire by Islamic terrorists. That has been widely reported, but the damage is done. Millions of ill-informed people believe Israel is responsible. Corporate media is the greatest threat to our constitutional republic and democracy

America has a major problem with the corporate media companies. And that problem is getting people killed.

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So breath taking insightful. I was unable to respond for hours. The concept of war and retaliation, the years of planning revenge, stuck in the past and hate, no where to go but to let it play out in real time. No peacemakers, nothing to combat the crazed social media, so sorrowful.

Thank you again for an amazing piece of writing. Time to put down the remote and take a walk or a ride and see the beauty of nature.

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Wow! Just … wow. From your inky face to God’s (any gods’) ear!

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So long as we continue with the "dominator" model of society, wars will continue. You can't dominate without using violence. In the Paleolithic, during the "relationship" model of society Crete went 1500 years without war. We can't go 15 minutes. The patriarchal model of dominance has to go.

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I agree.

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Understanding the Jewish & Israeli Psyche, is simple, by the numbers:

1939 - 1945 Holocaust

1948 - 1949



1972 at the Olympics





Number of times Israel initiated an attack and war on their Arab neighbors = ZERO.

It's a failure of leadership by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and terrorist organizations [Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the proxy Iran is also complicit], have fooled the Palestinian people - Arabs, the surrounding Arabic countries, and the World for years, over and over.

Jewish people do not teach their children HATE, but unlike Christianity, they do NOT turn the other cheek or ever will. And you can not negotiate peace (or agree to a two state solution) with people who have sworn to annihilate you, kill and terminate your family (friends and neighbors), declared their intent to destroy your country (and keep trying), exterminate your way of life, vow to eliminate your religion and beliefs, deny the Holocaust ever occurred, and oppose any attempts for you to provide security to defend and protect your existence.


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I blame the British for this mess. They had an opportunity after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire to create two states but they overlooked the Palestinians. No wonder that the Palestinians are angry. I wish Israel had a different leader, one who would not create more angry Palestinians by his/her actions. Instead of invading the Gaza Strip to destroy Hamas, which seems impossible, I wish they would help the peaceful Palestinians and work toward a two state solution. Forgiveness is the answer, not hate and more killing. It’s too bad the Christians there can’t bring the two sides together but they don’t have the power to do that. War just brings more suffering on both sides and is not the solution.

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Amen, Brother Fitz! Well said. So it goes…

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Thank you for putting into words the feelings I've had since this began. Please keep writing for us, putting into words the things that are necessary to state.

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Excellent, David. At this point, it’s very difficult to reconcile one’s feelings about Israel and Palestine. May I recommend a column by Frank Bruni in the New York Times? The title is “marketing a massacre”. Bruni’s perspective on the current debate is worth reading.

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It will surprise nobody to know that the current mess in the Middle East is a result of the secretive and duplicitous activity in the late 1800's and 1900's , of the colonial powers Britain and France, to carve up the land which would be vanquished ('Germany, Austro-Hungary and Turkey) and would add to their power. They made deals between themselves. They made promises to Russia and, they made promises to the Arabs if those forces would join their side in WWI. They got the Americans involved because of our good nature. When the war was won and Versailles was over, all that was left was a bunch of broken promises and the seeds for an even WORSE war. In particular, the Arabs were pissed because the Treaty divided Northern Africa between the Brits and the French and the Brits gave a chunk of their newly Mandated Palestine (which was not really theirs to give) to the Jews for a homeland starting a regional conflict which we have been living with ever since. Check out the YouTube: it's long but so is this conflict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfuqUhzESg&t=61s

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