Beautiful story David, so much like my memories of my wonderful parents and childhood. We had little money, but so much love. Have a wonderful day with your family ❤️

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So many precious memories you brought back this morning. Thank you for the tears and the remembered joy. I wish you a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving full of brand new joys to sustain you in the days ahead.

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Thanks Fitz, with tears in my eyes! How sad to be without our parents. This past June, I lost my only sibling. But we have our wonderful memories and DREAMS. Losing parents in your 20’s is cruel but I’m sure they’re with you in that cabin. Beautiful Dreams. Enjoy your family! We all have much to be thankful, still.

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Thank you. The Kringle will taste great.

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What a fantastic flashback! I went to Naylor and dad retired as a master sergeant too. I ended up moving into the house I grew up in. The neighborhood is different, to say the least, but the memories are still there. As I drive home, I still see it as the 1960s, 1970s or early 1980s. I'm keeping some of the things the same while modernizing others. We are having the kids over as my parents did after I moved out. I hope it goes well. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

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Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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David, this is one of your very best columns. So much warmth and love. Thank you for the effort you put into these columns, and for the rich insights that your decades of engaging with life have engendered.

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Blessings, FITZ. I'm there ... I lost my Dad when I was 12 years old. And, back in 1943, kids really were "12 years old." It's way too different, today, but memories survive, and so will we.

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What a heartwarming story David! Thank you so very much. Having Kringle for breakfast this morning…. Perfect timing to be reading this. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Thankful for you my dear, fellow Tucsonan! Stay Strong… we need your voice in this land.


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well now you made me cry...at least twice. Thank you .

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Thank you for touching my heart and for being there for us "we won't go back" folks. We need you. Enjoy your Kringle.

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Thanks, once again, for the laughter and the tears your stories bring, my friend.

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Happy Thanksgiving you funny, sweet man.

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Wonderful! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Coming from Racine, Wisconsin, I can assure you Kringle stays fresh for a long, long time!

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Really enjoyed this. Your emotion tugged at many heart. I could almost see that Turquoise mud Century stuff and smell the stale cigarette odors.

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