Jul 4Liked by David W Fitzsimmons

Looking back, I can site several significant times that I found the Fourth. The year my eldest daughter entered into a mixed-race marriage. I found the fourth the year my son said Dad we have to talk, That was the day he came out of the closet. I found the Fourth when I went to visit my youngest 20 year old Daughter and we went for an early morning walk and she said Dad I really need some advice. I said try me. She said she was pregnant. After the shock wore off, we had a long conversation. I told her can't tell you what to, I can only give you what your options are. The decision you make can only be made by you. I will always support you and love you no matter which option you decide on. My three children still thank me regularly and each thank me for my advice and support. They each chose their path in life, and it could only happen because of the Men and Women who have strived to support our Constitution

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Thank you, Joseph. I was fortunate to have a father like you. I think I know just how your children feel and how much they love you for the freedom you supported. The free world you epitomize is one we have to fight hard to protect on this Independence Day.

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Excellent tribute to democracy 🇺🇸. You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for putting words to what this day symbolizes.

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Inspiring as well as humbling. That translates to genius…….. Well done

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Thanks for your thoughts on the 4th of July. I salute you Sir! — retired US Army 1st LT C. F. Clark

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Flying my flag today with pride. Hoping it won't be the last year of our Democracy.......

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Fourth of July HUGS all around! I "Found The Fourth" so many years ago that it's hard to count back. I was the child of Canadian parents ... Dad worked in NYC for the RBC, and I was born in Brooklyn, NY ... where one cannot BE any more 'American.' I "Found the Fourth" growing up in my little hometown in NJ, where our holiday 'DAY' was epic! I "Found the Fourth" through a dedicated, relentless HS teacher of U.S. History, the U.S. Constitution, and Civics. I "Found the Fourth" as a first voter (age 21) when I began my job as an adult in this 'Self-Governing Republic.' I "Found the Fourth" again, this morning, through FITZ! Today and for all tomorrows: 'Keep the Faith in the 4th, Preach the Gospel of Independence Day, and ... from INVICTUS ... "Thank Whatever Gods May Be" for YOUR unconquerable soul! There is but one way forward to "Finding a Next Fourth." Teach it. Take it. Believe it. Run with it. Fly it ... "and To The Republic for Which It Stands!" God bless America and heaven help us all. --- Pardon my sermon. :)

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I absolutely love this. It caught in my throat.

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Thank you. I remember the planes flying overhead at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. I remember moving off base when my dad went to Vietnam and returned, and we moved to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas. I asked dad lots of questions about Vietnam. He never wanted to answer, and didn't. 🤨

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I found my fourth alongside classmates who lost their father in WWII… in a theater where Elie Weisel spoke about the holocaust… in knowing POWs from WWII and survivors of the Bataan Death March. I found my fourth when my Army daughter returned safely from serving in Iraq. Now I wonder where all that has gone, leaving a shadow of grief.

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Thanks, Fitz

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Well done!

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I greatly appreciate this one and read it once a month. Thanks much!

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Brilliant cartoons!! Thank you, David! I borrowed some.

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Considering the original forth of July in this country, I submit this: abandoning our elected President and superb Vice President at this point, in a no less important election then the very first, would be treasonous. Loyalty and honor are not in fashion these days but they are nonetheless, foundational virtues.

May we celebrate a functional Republic next July 4th.

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Great Fitz! I remember watching the A mountain fireworks from a house in the neighborhood, and seeing the great showy fireworks on the mall in Washington, DC.

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thank you for a beautiful and moving piece. I searched for my finding of the fourth and while I didn't know it then because I was too young, your piece made me find it. In World War II, our neighbors created a victory garden in a vacant lot and everybody participated. I also used to take newspapers in my wagon to school; I don't know why we did those things but when I was old enough, learned that we were contributing to the war effort. Funny what triggers memories. Today, I remembered January 6th and asked myself how I will feel on July 4th one year from today.

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