Definitely the "Elephant In The Room."

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Your insights expressed through single panel drawings are the best! Thanks for sharing your thought process.

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If only the hardcore MAGALOONS could be force fed your work like Alex in “A Clockwork Orange,” then maybe they could be redeemed.

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I’m sure that in our current political situation, if elephants had a choice, they’d become donkeys, not whiny, fascist caricatures! But I always enjoy your cartoons and the thought process behind them!

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I loved this walk through your creative process, and the destination ... a smart multi-layered final cartoon. Keep `em coming!

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Many thanks for the historical background!

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Terrific and terrifying cartoon. I am so glad you incorporated the Christian Nationalism. Too many people are avoiding addressing the dangers of this movement and its ability to capture people who would never respond to evangelicalism.

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Fitz, informative discussion of your "process." Love the final product. Keep on truckin'! XO

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Thanks again for your work.

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I just saw this article on the BBC website (May 17, 2024) https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz74ed6yk9lo and it made me think about your post on creating a cartoon. Looks like there are some thin-skinned folks in Australia.

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Thank you so much for the wonderful link. We cartoonist love stories about our fellow cartoonists who get into trouble for doing what we do best.

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You never seem to disappoint! Love it!

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Fitz ~ You have a VERY UNIQUE MIND & an AMAZING TALENT to go with it❗️Makes for a MAGICAL combination👍❗️Thank You! Thank You! Kathleen (Kitten) Brennan, PCSD Captain (Retired), Ph.D.

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Arm of cross that is ---

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Rather than on the shoulder - methinks cross should be dragged. Or - shoulder pads (made of $$Bucks) cushioning the cross might be more appropriate to the current trial.

Another shot -- could be hooking the cross up to Trump's "Natural Gas" supply on the arm - and a flame jet out the bottom (at back.)

Gregg Chmara, the elder

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