We obviously cannot rely on the courts or anyone with an ‘R’ behind their name to do the right thing for our education or political systems… The ultimate responsibility is on us to show up in force on November 5th.

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Old trick: Rail against something, pass legislation, fail to fund whatever was passed, throw up your hands. Rinse, repeat.

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Appreciate your sticking with it, Fitz! Tell it like it is.

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Fitz, this should be published in Tucson and Phoenix. As I have said before, what scares me MORE than the Rs in the AZ legislature, is the people who have continually voted them in. At least their majority in AZ leg is more narrow now. But disaster continues. It’s a damn shame. Christian schools get taxpayer money and in turn DO NOT PAY TAXES. Makes sense …yea right!!!

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A good step forward in life begins with a good foundation in education from preschool (if available) to 12th grade for all children. I have witnessed friends grandchildren who went to expensive private schools and cannot find their way out of a paper bag. But that doesn’t matter does it since the family wealth will be there to support them for the rest of their lives. And then there are the children that had every disadvantage you can image to get an education to better their lives often try to find a way to succeed. The wealthy don’t seem to understand or want to accept the long term consequences of our country’s young people who are poorly educated. Politicians live for today, how they can raise money from their rich constituents, give them tax breaks or school vouchers and get reelected. All of us owe a responsibility for a good education to our children because the bottom line is we will all benefit both rich & poor.

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The school system in Arizona is unconscionable. When I first moved here from Michigan I had no idea what a backward state AZ is. After 20 years I still cannot believe that there are governments like Arizona’s that do not understand how critical education is to a functioning democracy. I blame the right wing anti-education movement in large part for the dumbing down of our nation which has led to our current political circus.

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This was so eloquently stated with Fitzsimmons best words. I was fortunate to go to an excellent high school in Pittsburgh. I was grateful for the education I received. To this day, I have no issue paying school district taxes, despite the fact I have never had children. Ignorance is not cured in a vacuum. Open season on the ESA money set my teeth on edge. It unjustly put more money into the pockets of our richest residents who have a talent to scam the system. Education is more important than ever. We are surrounded with too many individuals who do not understand history, the constitution and freedom that was part of what my education included. I will admit I have not paid a penny in the annual contribution of the state income tax. A check goes out every spring to support the schools of my choice. Thank you Dave!

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Totally agree! I had an excellent public education in Lancaster, PA. Prepared me for college.

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While I can’t show up to vote (not a resident) I am forwarding this to family who are. My grandkids deserve better. Their parents had the advantage of growing up mostly in California where they had a fighting chance. I’m appalled at Arizona. I receive a higher pension from 38 years teaching in California than my niece earns teaching in Arizona.

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Thank you for every word!

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Sure do appreciate this one! I was an art teacher at the oldest private girls school in the West, if you can call Los Angeles "West." Zero taxpayers dollars went to support that school or the students! If you want a private education, you can get it via scholarships or pay for it yourself! My daughter went to public school. And, while LA has a few more people than Tucson, and also a wide variety of socio-economic circumstances, including mine as a private school teacher, my daughter's education was terrific because it was taxpayer funded.

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I lose my s&*t each time that boob Tom Horne shows up in one of those ESA commercials and touts his job is to improve “Arizona’s already excellent schools”. How that guy got elected is beyond me.

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Years ago, as a museum docent I witnessed the contrasting behaviors of kids in Tucson, those from South Tucson and the wealthier group from the foothills. The comparison was unexpected. Here’s me thinking they’d all behave, but au contraire! Kids are not always kids. The “Entitled” kids ran rampant, hogging the food on the buffet line, and were not at their shiny best, while the South Tucson kids were clean and combed, lining up in the buffet line and always on their best behavior. It was an eye-opener for me. I would have loved having the South Tucson kids any time. The others needed some serious parenting!

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I love, and have loved, all of your writings, cartoons, public doings (and anything else) over the years. I am definitely of the same mindset and really appreciate your current fire. I am in total agreement about strangling public school efforts. It really is criminal.

But, I really wish you hadn't used the "Karen" reference. That "person" actually does exist, obviously but there must be other ways to portray the same idea.

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Another important piece. Thanks, Fitz!

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Gee, Fitz, tell us what you really think! I love this column - you're saying everything I've thought for years about the charter schools that have sprouted like invasive weeds in so many states! I had thought that Oregon, our official home state, wasn't as bad as Arizona, but the movement is building here, too. I'm hopeful that maybe someday the citizens of Arizona will wise up and start voting these idiots out of office.....hope spring eternal! Thanks for another great column!

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One suggested revision: Whackos West of the Pesos. Also, not all religious schools are nationalist Christian in outlook... When I moved here 10 years ago, I found out that my grandson needed the small class size of a Catholic elementary school with the right "culture," and we helped subsidize it. The voucher system has since entered the picture, but we still subsidize that school. Its size has not changed since vouchers came in, contrary to the "logic" of voucher-supporters. He also had the benefit of a private preschool that we helped with for many years, and most Arizona preschool aged kids do not have that chance.

Ducey got a great settlement with "fast cash" of the lawsuit over the ripped-off $1,500,000 (yes, BILLION!) from the general fund allocations. (Red For Ed was a bit on the pink side on that one.) Do we see a pattern here, yet?

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