You are a Treasure, Tesoro ❤️❤️❤️

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You are a wise man, David. Thank you for letting all your friends know about your decision to retire from public performances and why you are making it. You sound like you are comfortable with this decision, and that’s the most important thing. Of course, we will miss the opportunity to see you in person. But, as you say, thank goodness there is a medium through which we can still enjoy your writing and political lampooning while you enjoy some breathing space in your life…

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Wow Dave. So sorry to hear this. As usual you bring humor to a serious topic and keep it light. I am with you in spirit! Enjoy slacking!! I am!

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We are the Cardiac Rehab legends, sister!

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Sorry to hear this but I’m looking forward to your swan song because I know it will be glorious. In Tucson, you have made a lot of friends you've yet to meet (I’m one of them) and I think you've made the right call.

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Reading this, my thoughts were focused on the way cardiac issues come home to roost when we least expect them. I'm so grateful I was able to see your stand-up talks a couple of times, and am the proud recipient of one of your drawings. Be well, Dave. Mind how you go.

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So glad that writing pleases your heart.

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Yesterday, I mentioned to my husband how you have been such a fantastic mensch for Tucson all these decades, helping with all kinds of fundraisers and book festivals (even little ones like ours held at St. Frances Cabrini). Expect the Rialto to sell out after this newsletter. THANK YOU for everything you've done in this town, and truly embrace your inner slacker. I want Marty to take a selfie with your wizened little leprechaun self in another 30 years and post it on Super-Z-Social-InstaPot-o-gram, or whatever social media melds into.

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Thank you for this share. I applaud your decision, and will eagerly continue as your avid fan. Mazel tov, my friend.

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I wish you the best and look forward to reading your articles for years to come.

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Thank you. I'm a lucky varmint.

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Fitzy, Glad you are taking your health seriously. Sorry for this upsetting news re the blood flow, you explained it so well. Just be well, and whatever you throw out to your loving audience, know that it will be enjoyed.

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… Just let your love flow like a mountain stream....(Bellamy Brothers 1976 ?) even if your blood is flowing like a baby javelina trying to pee during a drought. Keep writing, buy more ink, get a tattoo : Peace on. Chas

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Well said, my friend.

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Leave it to Fitz to find the funny side of a serious condition! So glad you are still able to write your column and keep us amused and educated. Hang in there, we love you!

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Dear David, We have enjoyed your wit and wisdom for the 27 years we've been in Tucson. Thank you. I was recently diagnosed with significant heart disease (like many in our age bracket), after 20+ years of a mostly vegan style diet. It was a shock to my family as friends as I appeared to be the archetype of health. Appearances can be deceiving. I had an angiogram in August and my blockages were too severe (and repeated) to do stents so I was given an appointment with a surgeon. That weekend my wife ordered the book "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Dr. Esselstyn. Dr. Esselstyn, as a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, did a formal study in the late 80's on the effect of a plant-based whole food diet on patients with severe heart disease (and many already having had stents and by-pass surgery). The results were pretty astounding and led him to spend the rest of his career (and retirement) continuing his research and helping hundreds of patients discover a different path to health. My chol and ldl numbers dropped dramatically in the first couple of weeks of following his protocol and continued to drop in the following month. The testimonies (not surprisingly) are quite compelling. I suspect you are receiving numerous medical and dietary proposals from your readers. But, if you are interested in one more you might check out his book, or this video - https://youtu.be/ZC3wRx4vV7g?si=MlJr39ZT3i4VxS-q.

This is offered as an appreciative gift.

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I am happy for you that you are on the right path. Doesn't it feel amazing to have hope? I am familiar with this marvelous book, and I have followed the protocol much of my life, until at 68 I could no longer outrun my genes and my numbers defied my best efforts. Thanks to Ozempic my numbers dropped back to levels I hadn't seen since my college days. I hope you stick with it--there are lots of delicious recipes folks like you and I can enjoy! And feel 1000% better. Candle lit for you and I, brother!

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I’ve been reading your work for a long time and have been able to enjoy a couple of your presentations. While I doubt you’d recognize me, we’ve crossed paths at the old 4850 building a few times. You’ve earned the right to do as much or as little as you like, and I like how you’re going to get every single drop out of this existence one way or another. I’ve been reminded far too many times lately how fast it can all be gone. So go and be a slacker, enjoy the people you want to be around, and draw that great American graphic novel. Or don’t. Just do what ya wanna.

(PS - I can’t drive past Old Tucson without saying out loud “Opening soon as Old Tucson after an Apache raid” thanks to you)

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Brother, you brightened my day! Abrazos, Aaron.


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Love you heart warrior brother. Give a call when you feel the need to be reminded of how strong your heart actually is!

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Take good care of yourself David. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing yourself with us all of these years. 🤗

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