Your signs are wonderful!!! I’d love to purchase a Fitz sign to help support the cause. There are a number of sign waving events scheduled in Tucson, but a “Fitz the vote” one would be fun!!!

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Fitz, "Anyone want to convince me to vote for a California style jungle primary system?" No, I don't know all the ramifications, but I do know the current Az system is totally f**ked! The question is how

do we prevent mentally-unbalanced screamers from becoming their party's nominee?

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Properly teaching U.S. History and CIVICS again might be fun.

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YAY for the words, energy, signs. I'm for the fundraiser and march. Enjoy Wburg

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I’m fond of a fundraiser followed by a march. Or a fundraiser & then join a scheduled march. Then when the election is decided for sanity, we can frame our signs and proudly hang them on our walls. Proud to have done something for our country.

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On SIGNS: Please, FITZ, get 'em out where we all can buy one! On WILLIAMSBURG: Have a great time. I'm a fan and member, but never 'got there.' On WINNING: If we do NOT win, we will have assigned Jeff's "mentally-unbalanced screamers" to run our country. Project 2025 will be enforced and will endanger the very existence of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We will have flushed our Founders, George Washington, and every citizens who made "the ultimate sacrifice in defense of it all" down the drain. WTH!? What is there about ANY of this that cannot be understood ? --- The answer? --- These days, so-called "citizens" live here but don't know where "HERE" is, and are clueless that they live in a "Self-Governing Republic." (I know! I'm "beating this dead horse" again!) However ... and, don't try to stop me for repeating myself ... when I was a HS grad back in NJ in 1949, I had been "taught." I understood my assignment, my 'job,' as an adult living in this special place. For this election: Being clueless, or tired of politics, or not interested are sins against our country. That lack of action is precisely HOW we will assist in our own destruction.

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Your signs are transcendent! Keep it up and get them out in the sunshine. I think it makes a difference! I hope you and Ellen have a fun and peaceful sanity break. I miss those fife and drum parades.

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Have a great vacation! You've earned it. I can't remember much about Williamsburg from when I was maybe six besides a guy shooting of an old-time pistol and a lot of old buildings. If by any chance you have time in Norfolk, I highly recommend the Chrysler Museum which I saw 14 years ago, so it's much fresher in my memory.

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Love your new work! Auction, fundraiser, are good choices. Have a wonderful time with Ellen on your getaway. Just breathe. 💕

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You go, fitz! Love to purchase anyone of ‘em!

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Love the posters. Beautiful works of creative art.

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For God's sake, STAY SAFE! Janice

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I'm putting in my bid now: $100 for the blue heel crushing MAGA, if you donate the money to the campaign.

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Dave, sell the signs for a fundraiser. I'll pay $50 or $100 for one of your signs, if I know the money will go to Kamala's campaign. Your pal, Susan Knight

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Brilliant as ever! You are the perfect person to create these signs! Please get them out there in safe places where “criminals” can’t deface them! Fundraiser Yes! Posting Yes! Send them to the Kamala campaign for inspiration and to use!

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These signs are wonderful. You are a continual inspiration. Thank you

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Genius, Dave… as always! Genius! Brilliant even! Yeah, that too!

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