Having confused being appointed to the Supreme Court with being anointed as supreme beings, I'm surprised these judges haven't discarded their black robes, and adorned royal purple vestments!

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I think we can officially call the conservative majority on the Court co-conspirators. Their faux originalism is nothing but a cover for skullduggery.

My retirement is now littered with every sort of unexpected debacle, including COVID and fires and floods in Ruidoso, but the SCOTUS rulings are the most ominous.

Your cartoons punctuate your essay in the very best way!

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Thank you again for a heartfelt and meaningful call to stand strong against these SCOTUS BS rulings! It's hard to remain optimistic today, but we must not falter or give up. Keep pushing us in the right direction, David.

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My son had a GREAT idea last night on the phone…since presidents NOW have unprecedented immunity, BIDEN should corral up the conservative justices (hate to use the word “justices” for them) and send them to Guantanamo Bay! He can, he’s immune! It’s part of his duty (constitutional of course) to save our country! Balance of power! This is so crazy. Chevron Deference gone and we will all pay with our lives. EPA? Gone. Drill, mine, pump, destroy public schools, everyone goes to work after eighth grade. Rich vs poor. No public assistance. No public anything. Soooooo damn crazy! Who could have imagined? Heritage Foundation. Libertarians. SCOTUS…….

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Apparently, the term “Originalist” applies only when Thomas and Alito are thinking of a woman’s right to choose and a man’s right to hold an A-K 47 to her head. Apparently, they forgot what Washington “originally” said about kings and presidents. They are instead “Fundamentalists” in the “Christian “ sense since they believe in “the divine right of kings.” Truly frightening for us all!

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We are truly living in the 'New & Improved' McCarthy era, and hopefully, just as that era ended with a whimper not a bang, our Ship of State will right itself before capsizing this November

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Fitz, I honestly can say that it's writing like yours that is one of the few bright spots in all this...otherwise I'd be circling the drain of despair (may still do that from time to time). What I can't wrap my head around is how we went from 2008 and all the optimism and hope of the election of Barack Obama to...this. I suppose it's the pendulum swing, but holy canoli, how far can the damn thing swing before we launch this nation over a cliff like a pack of idiot-lemmings. It's a complete corrupt pigsty of right wing skullduggery and our Constitutional framers are surely spinning in their graves every moment of every day. GAWD, I hope that Mango Mugabe doesn't get re-elected. Please folks, do whatever you can do to bring the reality of this home to the folks who might be undecided or opted out of politics. Their lives (and ours) depend on it. Nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof in Tucson in June.

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Just FYI: Your rogues' gallery list of Scotus co-conspirators omitted Neil Gorsuch.

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Do Not Obey in Advance. - Timothy Snyder

While the cult members are beyond redemption, there are millions of Americans who are woefully uninformed about Project 2025 and what it will mean to their lives. They're either working two or three jobs and have no time to pay attention to the news or they are willfully blind, thinking "I don't like politics." Well, guess what, buttercup? POLITICS affects YOU whether you like it or not.

Those who intend to withhold their vote in protest over Gaza are shooting themselves in the gut - they just don't think it will happen to them.

I highly recommend reading this Substack and sharing it with those who are unaware: https://open.substack.com/pub/project2025istheocracy/p/project-2025-how-its-anti-esg-stance?r=5mwrm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thank you, Fitz for all your great doodles and well articulated opinions. We dumped a king - and defeated the most powerful army of its time - before. Let's do it again!

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This is truly a scary time. VOTE

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SCOTUS just trashed our democracy, and all everyone wants to talk about is Joe’s age. We are truly lost.

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Go, Dave, Go! Love your voice!

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Did you mean to say Project 2025 (not 2024)?

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Mail that Ballot!p

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We need to mobilize! Take to the streets! Shout out the lies! Rally around the White House! Barricade the Republican Convention!!!!! Call out the patriots to march to Washington!! Demand the "King" surrender the Supreme Court! Keep on a'movering until the electorate keeps Biden President!!

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Well said...

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