MAGA parents targeting Catalina Foothills District
And a friend took notes at an organizing meeting
The first Catalina Foothill School District Governing Board of the 2023-2024 school year is happening tonight at 6:30 p.m. IF you can’t go stream it: CFSDmeeting livestream
You should go.
Tonight's Agenda with a YouTube link
The meeting is located at Valley View Early Learning Center at 3435 E. Sunrise Drive. Inside the north entrance. Look for the trolls.
Should be as much fun as last week’s gathering for MAGA folks “concerned about the coming school year” who want to save your Catalina Foothills school district from ruin, decay, Marxists and masks.
Their liberty hootenanny was at nearby Catalina Foothills Church, the big one at 2150 E. Orange Grove, on Skyline.
The fellowship was for folks who hated masks. Folks who hated vaccines. Folks convinced Fauci was a tyrant. Folks who love vouchers. Folks who are very suspicious of public education. Tell them you saw a GROOMING sign outside the PetSmart and there will be a protest rally there tonight.
To round out the event a current Marana School Board member cited scripture and fretted over evil.
Get thee behind me, Karl Marx. Smite thy masks. Amen.
Here’s the Alert sent out by vigilant citizens who are friends of public education that was forwarded to me by George Soros himself:

The rallying event was hosted by the "Center for Excellence for Public Schools”.
Excellent name. I’m in favor of “Excellence”. You, too?
Google ‘Center for Excellence for Public Schools’. See what you find. Maybe I should have tried googling ‘Excellent Public Schools we’ve Schooled whose Excellence is Public’.
I found fog.
The ‘Center for Excellence for Public Schools’ event was introduced by Dan Grossenbach as a "fully non-partisan community event”. The fully non-partisan community event featured a lineup of right-wing hyper partisan partisans imparting their hyper partisan fringe views to those fortunate community members who chose to attending the fully, wholly, totally, completely, 100% non-partisan event.
And folks, if you ever feel your America-hating pedophile-protecting mask-loving school boards are trampling on your parental rights by turning all your children into Godless transgender Marxists please contact the Alliance Defending Freedom. They love filing lawsuits for Jesus. And Defending your Freedom to hate who you want to hate.
Is the House of God on Skyline aware the "Center for Excellence for Public Schools” is associated with the Alliance Defending Freedom? Learn about your ADF friends here from the Southern Poverty Law Center: Alliance Defending Freedom
Imagine that. A Hate Group’s hand puppets in God’s house.
‘T’was a panel of Pima Coutny’s finest anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, anti-public education cast extras from “Inherit the Wind” preaching a Handmaiden’s Tale agenda with a Tucson twist.
And you know those “In God We trust” license plates you’ve seen? The folks at SecularAZ saw them, too: “Ever seen those ‘In God We Trust’ license plates? Did you know that $17 for each plate sold goes to the Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTQ, anti-reproductive rights organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center?”
What would Jesus donate?
Folks in attendance were upset about the Rupert Grading System, the Covid shut downs, woke indoctrination, posters highlighting female leaders, but not male leaders, the phrase "safe spaces", trans kids use of bathrooms and pronouns. No one was concerned about the hottest summer in 100,000-years or the crime boss running to destroy democracy or the gun violence epidemic that threatens our schools.
Here are the non-partisan speakers who were there:
Dave Smith, the non-partisan Chairman of Pima County’s Republican Party . He lectured the attendees on the Constitution and suggested folks watch "Hamilton".
Anastasia Tsatsakis, the non-partisan 2nd Vice Chairman of Pima County’s Republican Party. Anastasia was part of the infamous "Revolt of Vail" where 200 people disrupted the April 30, 2021 school board meeting and a Failed candidate for Vail School Board.
Raul Rodriguez, 3rd Vice Chairman, Pima County Republican Party. Member of the Sahuarita School Board. Lucky Sahuarita.
Moderator Dan Grossenbach, founder of the Save CFSD PAC. He’s a beloved guest on Chris DeSimone right-wing talk show "Wake Up Tucson" on KVOI AM 1080. “Wake up, Tucson”? I thought they despised being “woke”.
A parent, "Michelle," said 'people with penises are able to change clothes in front of those without penises' at CFSD schools.
Speaker Bernadette Gruber, director of Protect Arizona Children Coalition, said a forced euthanasia movement of grade school students in Europe was coming to the U.S.
Tom Carlson, a Bible-quoting conservative anti-masker and Covid denier, is a Marana School Board member. During the height of the Covid pandemic, he said in YouTube recordings (Dec. 27, 2020, and August 20, 2021) that nobody was dying from Covid and that ICUs were not filling up with Covid patients. Carlson quoted scripture and noted the "evil forces attacking families".
I looked him up. Found a story in Arizona Independent, a right-wing web rag.
I’ll summarize: Back in August of 2021 Marana School Board Member Tom Carlson voted against mask mandates, calling them “tyranny”and saying “When confronted with a choice between liberty and tyranny I will always choose liberty. I spent 30 years of my life defending this nation against external tyranny never thinking that the real battle would come from within.”
Don’t you realize ”Parental rights are UNDER ATTACK"?
This was the Mind your Own Business Party one-thousand light years ago. And two-thousand indictments ago. Now they’re all Sheriffs of Gilead, yanking on your belt so they can sneak a peek down your pants, approve or disapprove of your junk and then tell you what you can and can’t do with your own property within the confines of your own epidermis. Freud is laughing his ass off at these prigs attempting to police us into submitting to their God’s laws.
As for those hunting for pedophiles in our schools rather in their hotbed churches here’s a story about American law enforcement taking down a global pedophile ring. Thanks, FBI. We honor your service and mourn your fallen: FBI Busts International Child Sex Abuse Ring
And Q-Anon? Your worthless sick asses can all go to Hell which is located directly below where you live. In your mom’s basement.
And then after the righteous right’s wind did blow mightily God spoke and lo, the air conditioning failed. And verily it was 108 outside. Inside it looked like a scene from the Scopes Monkey trial, handheld fans and all.
Check out the “Save Catalina Foothills District” cyber-gauntlet online for yourself: SaveCFSD
Tonight. The first CFSD Governing Board of 2023-2024 school year. 6:30 p.m.
The meeting is located at Valley View Early Learning Center at 3435 E. Sunrise Drive inside the north entrance.
I am so sick of bible banging assholes trying to force their crap into everybody else's life. Self rightious hypocrites with loose leaf bibles. UGH!!
You take my breath away, Fitz! Again. I love how you say what I feel so forthrightly. Thank you for this stunning information. This would be high parody if it weren’t actually happening. It is a devastating tragedy as it is, caused by one human being who has no right to roam this earth.