Once again Eddie the Elf , who is taking over for vacationing David Fitzsimmons, is here to answer your Christmas questions.
Dear Eddie:
When Santa arrives tonight why will Davis Monthan scramble their jets?
Sky King
Dear Sky:
Every Christmas Eve the United States Air Force insists on scrambling their jets in spite of the fact Santa prefers his jets sunny side up. Santa appreciates the royal welcome.
Dear Eddie:
What is a Nacimiento?
Nacho Picacho
Dear Picacho:
A Nacimiento is a tiny diorama that tells the Christmas Story. You can see Tucson’s most famous nativity creche downtown at la Casa Cordoba. Some claim it is built to HO scale. Most elves will tell you it’s HO HO HO scale.
Dear Spock ears:
What are those wreaths made out of dried bull tongues? Gross.
Wisconsin Willie
Dear Willie:
Those are chile peppers, cheesehead. We think they’re quite festive.
Dear Pipsqueak:
Can you fit them over your pointy ears and wear them?
Dear Anonymous:
I know it’s you, Wisconsin Willie. Enjoy your lump of coal.
Dear Eddie:
What was the worst holiday yard display you ever saw?
Dame Edna
Dear Ed:
That’s a toss up between our Santa-and-Miley-Cyrus-swinging-on-a- wrecking-ball-painted-white-to-look-like-a-giant-snowball-display in front of the Canyon Trails Trailer Park on Wetmore and the Pinkman’s tasteless “Breaking Bad Santa” yard display. Parking a crummy old RV in your front yard and calling it a “Blue Meth Christmas” is not funny, even if you throw in a Santa mannikin, with a white beard trimmed down to a goatee, who says, “I’m the one who knocks.” The “If Santa doesn’t bring you a haul-- just call Saul “was unnecessary. Let’s do better, next Christmas.
Dear Eddie:
What’s a Pastorela?
Barbarella Cinderfella
Dear Barbarella:
A Pastorela is a Christmas Play named after Cinderella’s long lost sister, Pastorela Portobella. It’s the story of snowbirds making a pilgrimage to see the baby Jesus and on the way they encounter the devil, 4 calling Birds, 3 French Hens and a member of the Partridge family who tempts them with enchanted tamales.
Dear Eddie:
You’re full of Eggnog.
Dear Barbarella:
That’s a statement, not a question.
Dear Eddie:
What’s on your shopping list this Christmas?
Nosey in Nogales
Dear Nosey:
12 enchiladas, 11 lizards leapin’, 10 frying frybreads, 9 stuffed pinatas, 8 bowls of chili, 7 swallows of cuervo, 6 chimichangas, 5 bean burritos, 4 empanadas, 3 cowskulls, 2 packs of tums and a pair of tic-kets for the lot-ter-y. Merry Christmas!
Dear Eddie:
Is that bright object in the west the Christmas Star?
Galileo Gazpacho
Dear Gazpacho:
Nope, that’s the red planet, Mars. Before you say, “Humbug” listen to this!The University of Arizona Planetary Sciences Department just revealed the astonishing results of their top secret ISMCP project, the Interplanetary Search for the Meaning of Christmas Program. In 2012 Nasa landed an adorable little robot, Frosty the Rover, on the surface of the red planet where it spent a year collecting soil samples. Rumors of a tryst with Wall-e’s fembot, Eva, may have captured the headlines but here’s the real story: A remarkable discovery was made! Mars is made of cinnamon. Furthermore, the canals of Mars once flowed with Eggnog. There’s evidence the ice caps of Mars are made entirely of powdered sugar. I’d submit my elfin DNA for testing but I can only tolerate pine needles.
Dear Eddie:
What are your last minute gift ideas?
Dear Pokey:
First suggestion? Pick up a calendar and a stopwatch. Where have you been the last couple of weeks? Doing the backstroke in grand pappy’s special eggnog?
You’re in luck, Rip Van Winkle, because I have just the gift ideas for you. This first one is my favorite!
Snowbird Seed Block. Attract winter guests to your back porch with Snowbird Seed Block. Why set out cheese, crackers and grapes for your visitors from up north when the flock can enjoy pecking away at your maalox-flavored, granola, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seed block. Comes laced with statins.
Pothole Survivor. Pothole Survivor is the emergency roadside kit designed just for Tucsonans. Each kit comes with rope, flares, a neck brace, and enough food to last you down in the hole until Search and Rescue finds you.
Saguaro sweaters.Every desert lover will love Saguaro sweaters!Your saguaro will look festive and warm in this cactus cardigan. If it’s good enough for a poodle, it’s good enough for a Saguaro. Available in L, XL XXL.
Stop reading this column and get going.
Dear Eddie:
I’m a bighorn sheep and I live up on the Catalinas with my herd. I was wondering if Santa has anything mind for us? We understand he has a soft spot in his heart for reindeer.
Ram Tough
Dear Ram:
Santa wouldn’t forget you! Check your stocking for an apple, an autographed glossy of Rudolph, a signed copy of Donder and Blitzen’s book about surviving Candy Cane addiction, a bale of the finest oats, a nifty can of Mountain Lion Repellant and a living nativity shepherd to watch over your herd.
Dear Eddie:
Was grandma run over by a reindeer?
Dear Grandpa:
No. She was flattened by a herd of javelina.
Walking home from Ee Gees Christmas Eve.
It was a stampede of javelinas,
that stomped her flat there in the weeds.
She drank way too much Corona,
and they begged her not to go—
That’s the last they seen of grandma
When the wind and dust began to blow
When they found her Christmas mornin',
out in Tucson Mountain Park
there were hoof prints on her backside!
Them javelina had left their mark.
Now we're all so proud of Grandpa,
he's been takin' this so well.
He forgave the javelina.
But he’s still haunted by the smell.
It’s not Christmas without grandma,
Winterhaven has gone black.
And we just can’t help but wonder
When them stinkin’ javelinas will come back.
Grandma wasn’t stomped flat by a reindeer.
Game and Fish double-checked the facts.
You can read about it in the paper:
Please send your St. Patrick’s Day questions to Eddie the Elf, 11234 Snowball Lane, Green Valley.
Reprinted from 2013©David Fitzsimmons
Loved 🥰 singing along to the tune of Grandma being run over by the reindeer but enjoyed your rendition much better. Merry Christmas Eve!
For all you do, these heartfelt thanks are for you! Have yourself a merry little Christmas!